For Humanity PSA

Project Brief
Develop a 45, 30, and 15 second commercial for the Habitat for Humanity donation store to bring awareness to the importance and functionality of the Donation Center. Commercial to be used on various platforms such as social media, television and related media platforms.
Key Points
- Donation Center location
- Purpose of the donation center
- How the donation center’s profits goes towards building homes for Habitat for humanity
- Raise awareness for Habitat for Humanity
- Raise brand awareness
Creative Brief
Tugging at the heart strings and doing an emotional appeal is the goal of this spot. We show the journey of a sentimental item (picture frame as a working element) from one owner to another, with the transfer of the item taking place at a Habitat for Humanity Donation Center. A voice over will talk over the visuals and tell about Habitat for Humanity, playing to the emotional appeal.

The Idea

The Process

The Result
The Idea

Commercial Description
A man in his mid 50’s/60’s, sitting in piles of boxes, is going through boxes of a loved one’s belongings when he comes across a picture in a frame. He smiles as he looks at it and takes the picture out of the frame. He then places the frame on top of a full box of items and closes the box. We then see him loading up his car with this box and closing it. He drives to the Habitat for Humanity Donation Center to drop off his boxes. He hands the boxes to an employee and the employee sets the box down, revealing the picture frame on top of the boxes. The picture ends up on a shelf of the store. A girl in her mid to late 20’s picks up the frame off the shelf, smiles and places it in her cart. She then knocks on the door of her neighbor, gift in hand. The door opens and he hands the homeowner the frame as a “welcome to the neighborhood” gift. They smile and the homeowner holds the frame, looking at it with such appreciation. The homeowner then puts a picture in the frame and hangs it on the wall. The picture shows the homeowner with a Habitat for Humanity representative handing them the keys to the home. We finally see an exterior shot of the home with a Habitat for Humanity sign outside the home.
- Mid 50’s/60’s
- Hispanic or white – Don Gingold
- To introduce the frame and bring it to the donation center
- Casual, working clothing. Button up, jeans, sneakers
- Garage/attic
- Donation center
- Mid to late 20’s
- White or middle eastern
- To purchase the frame from the donation center and bring it to the new owner of the HFH home
- Branded gree, jeans
- Habitat for Humanity Resale Store
- Habitat for Humanity home
- Corey Mccoy
- Received box from Man 1 with picture frame in it
- Apron or shirt with habitat for humanity logo on it
- Donation center, receiving area
- Blake – Floor Manager at Joliet ReStore
- Ring up frame
- Apron or shirt with habitat for humanity logo on it
- Habitat for Humanity Resale Store
- Nykia Presnall
- To be the recipient of the home and show gratitude for all Habitat for Humanity does
- Branded purple/blue, nice pants/jeans
- Habitat for Humanity home
- Man 1
Time of day
- Morning/dawn
- Man 1
- Donation Receiver
Time of day
- Late morning/early afternoon
- Girl 1
- Check out worker
Time of day
- Anytime (insinuate mid afternoon)
- Girl 1
- Nykia Presnall
Time of day
- Evening, sundown OR morning
- Boxes, plain (10-20 boxes)
- Picture frame
- Old items: Furniture pieces or building materials such as paint, tools, etc.
- Picture of the selected individual
- Sign for outside the home
- All clothing :The actors can use their own clothing, but we do need branded colors for the,
Shirts for all parts - Aprons or uniforms that are worn at the store

The Process
Production Timeline
July 20th – August 6th
- Begin pre production
- Gather props
- Acquire actors
- Secure locations
- Set production timeline
- Locations times and dates
- Actors needed at each location
- Gather crew calltime
- Finalize the Script
- Voice over script
- Order of events for all versions
August 21th – 22nd
- Production begins

Main Tagline: Shop. Donate. Do Good.
Thesis: What donating and shopping at a Habitat for Humanity ReStore can do for your community.
Emotions and tones: Uplifting, emotional, and persuasive.
- General tone of script/notes of script:
- Build awareness of Habitat ReStores and the benefits of shopping and donating there – all proceeds go to building Habitat homes in your local community
- “Having a stake in your community”
- “When you donate to a Habitat for Humanity ReStore…”
- This is like a Goodwill but so much more
- We want it to follow along with the visuals but not narrate the story
- We don’t need voiceover over the entire video
- Lines need to be able to be eliminated or swapped out
- Very modular script
- End with main tagline

The Result

Final Product
After filming and editing, the PGM Team created a 60, 30, and 15 second PSA video for use on social media, streaming platforms, website landing pages, and more. The final video is posted often on Habitat for Humanity of Illinois’s social media pages, as well as on Comcast and other streaming services.